The Weave Rug Company website design and build and Brand ID

The Weave Rug Company website design and build and Brand ID

The Weave Rug Company website and branding CLIENTThe Weave Rug Company LOCATIONCheshire, UK TAGSWeb design, development, Ecommerce and Branding The Weave Rug company are based in Cheshire and wanted a refresh on there current site (Which i...
Digital drawing

Digital drawing

Adobe Fresco Drawings CLIENTMyself ? LOCATIONHome TAGSDrawing   Something I like to do in my spare time is illustration and recently I have started to draw digitally on the iPad with Adobe Fresco. There are lots more of these drawings to come, obviosly all...
Hearing Products International  website design and build

Hearing Products International website design and build

Hearing Products International website CLIENTHearing Products International Limited LOCATIONNorth West, UK TAGSWeb design, development, Ecommerce I have worked with many years, managing the website. Recently it was decided a...
Core Separations website design and build

Core Separations website design and build

Core Seperations website CLIENTCore Separations Supplier of laboratory equipment LOCATIONUSA TAGSWeb design and development WEBSITE Core Sperations are a supplier of advanced Supercritical and Subcritical Fluid (SCF) extraction systems that...
FAIB First Aid Training Manuals

FAIB First Aid Training Manuals

FAIB Training manuals CLIENT The Federation of First Aid LOCATION UK, Greater Manchester TAGS Print design, Publishing I have worked with the Federation of First Aid for many years and produce all the design material including brands and websites. The Training manuals...